One of the biggest complaints I hear from other crocheters is not having enough time to crochet. I feel that way too from time to time. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom with young kids, you work all day, or maybe a combination of the 2. Our lives are busy and a lot of times our free time is few and far between.
I want to give you a few pointers that have helped me find more time for crochet.
Organize Your Yarn Stash
I’ll be honest with you; my yarn stash is a bit out of control. It is better than it was in previous years, but it still needs some work.
Now you might be thinking how in the world is this going to help me have more time for crochet?
When our stash is organized it is easier to find the yarn we need for a certain project. That way we are not wasting our precious crochet time looking for that dang skein of yarn in the perfect shade of blue that we picked up at Joann’s last time there was a sale I think we’ve all been there before.
Organize however you want. Most of my stash is worsted weight yarn. I typically sort it by color. Then I have a box for my cotton yarn, and all my super bulky and yarn cakes get their own space too. Then of course I have to the “too pretty to use” shelf.
You can find out more of my yarn organization tips here!
Have a Dedicated Crochet Space
Put all your crochet stuff together so when you do have a few spare moments it is easy to grab and squeeze in a few stitches.
I do most of my crocheting in our living room. I have a basket on our bookshelf with my current project in it as well as any tools I may need.
If you’re like me and like to work on a few different projects at the same time you may find it helpful to keep them in their own separate bags or boxes. I have a set of plastic drawers (like these) in my office/studio that I keep my current projects in. This is especially helpful if it is a bigger project or has a lot of skeins of yarn.
Having your projects in their own space makes it easy to grab them when you need them without wasting time searching.
Want to save this for later? Pin this to your crochet boards on Pinterest!

Schedule Crocheting into Your Day
We are busy, so busy that we oftentimes neglect to intentionally make time for ourselves. Sometimes we can’t find the time so we have to make time.
I think it is safe to say that many of us (myself included!) use crocheting as a way to relax. It feeds our creativity and helps us recharge our batteries. We deserve this time, we need it.
I am a stay at home mom with 3 young kids and life is CRAZY most days between doing all the mom things, keeping up on the house chores, trying to be a good wife, finding time to work on this blog, oh and did I mention we just got a puppy too lol. By the end of the day, I feel like I have given all that I have to give.
I usually do most of my crocheting after the kids go to bed at night. Sometimes knowing I have this time at the end of the day is what gets me through those hard days.
So, bottom line, if you can’t find it make it. Maybe that means getting up a half-hour earlier to squeeze in some stitches before the day starts. Maybe it’s just saying ok between this time and this time I am going to work on my crochet project. Maybe you like to crochet after bedtime like me. Maybe you can crochet on your lunch break at work every day.
Sometimes making time is more about giving ourselves permission. Giving ourselves permission to do something for ourselves without feeling guilty about it, without feeling like there is something else we should be doing. You deserve this crochet time. You need it. When we take care of ourselves, when we take time to recharge our batteries, it is easier to take care of everyone or everything else and we can do it with more joy.
Crochet on-the-go
So, we’ve organized our stash, we’ve scheduled crochet into our day what else can we do? Well there is a saying “If I’m sitting, I’m knitting” This applies to crochet too… it just doesn’t rhyme.
The nice thing about yarn and hooks is that unless your working on a giant complicated afghan it is pretty mobile. Put it in a bag (like this one!) and take it with you wherever you go. Here are few ideas:
-In the car (as long as you’re not driving)
-waiting at the doctor’s office (let’s face it they’re probably behind anyway)
-at the park with your kids
-in the pick-up line at school
-at work on your break times.
I’m sure there are many more places that I haven’t mentioned but I think you get the idea.
Save this for later and pin it to all your crochet boards on Pinterest!
Plan Your Crochet Projects
This is something I have only recently started doing (mainly for the sake of this blog!) and it has helped increase my crochet time immensely. Having a plan makes it easy to transition smoothly to your next project without having to spend your precious time searching for that perfect pattern.. we’ve all gotten lost down that Pinterest or Ravelry rabbit hole I’m sure.
There are many ways to keep track of this from a plain notebook, an organization app, or even on Ravelry or Pinterest. Be sure to note where you found the pattern yarn you are planning on using and any other notes you need. This will make it easy to pull up the pattern, grab your yarn, and get started.
I made this FREE printable Crochet Project Planner for you to enjoy and added it to my free resource library. To get access sign up for my email list at the bottom of this post and I’ll send you the password.

I really hope you found these tips helpful. Go ahead and crochet, you deserve it.
Do you have any more tips to share about finding time to crochet? Share them with us in the comments! We need all the help we can get.
*Join our exclusive crochet group on Facebook!
Hi, I am new to the blog but I love this one. I find the advice is wonderful and delivered in a very short time. I am working on Tunisian crochet at present. I love how quickly is goes and the designs. My only problem is the getting the beginning stitch(row)to look even. Any one have any suggestions?
Great advice, Heather.
Thanks for all your effort to bring us your blog and lots of crochet ideas.
All the best to you and your family for a safe and happy year ahead.
Best wishes from Austrlaia
Thanks I needed this today… The baby kept me up and now I’m getting ready to take the other kiddo to school wondering how I’m going to make it this week. I was thinking “I don’t have time to do more than 20 stitches at a time, what’s the point” but it does help me relax more than anything. THAT’S the point 😂 I had forgotten, thank you!
Love the project planner! I have 3 projects going right now. Thanks!
Yay!! You’re welcome! That makes me so happy.
Thanks for the tips. I also need my crochet therapy, even if it’s little by little. I also reserve my time before bed to crochet. Best regards from Mexico!
I crochet, do plastic canvas, and loom knitting. I carry a bag with me wherever I go. I have 2 or 3 different crafts, in my bag. I pull out whatever I feel like doing, at the time. I have Parkinson’s disease and it seems to help the symptoms. Thanks for your tips. I appreciate them.
I find that I need 2 or 3 projects going at a time for different “crochet opportunities.” Your Stash busting sampler CAL is perfect for take along moments, I like an afghan for a stay at home -long term- minimal thinking (aka sociable crocheting🤣), and last, a trickier project that I can do when I have the quiet time to concentrate.
Great Blog , hope to Read more from you in the Future. Thank you
Great advice! I love the planner you included, too. I’m definitely going to need to use that in the future.
My crocheting is my therapy. I have RA and must keep my hands moving. On days I don’t crochet, my hands are stiff and sore. It is also my mental therapy. I love your blog. Keep up the great work.
Oh, my, i like reading how you do your crocheting. I also do all kinds – knitting, crocheting, needlework…. i do it between other works but mostly in the evenings. Its relaxing and when you have to count you can not worry about other worries. So its relaxing too!
I also do two items at once. A big bed blanket and crocheted tablecloth out of squares. Because i have arthritis in hands i cant always do the big knitting blanket but i can crochet. And so goes on!
Thank you!
Warm greetings from Tanzania!
Oh Barbara, isn’t it so strange. I too have severe RA and find I can sit and crochet for ages but find knitting so painful to do. Thank goodness I found crochet!
if you enjoy knitting as well but can not because of Arthritis, then get yourself some bamboo knitting Needles they are much kinder to your hands and also your fingers don’t get stiff at all, having the same problem myself I use the bamboo needles all the time .