2021 Stash Busting Sampler Afghan Crochet Along - 20 squares, 18 different designers, a year of fun!

Are you ready to do some stash busting! I am so excited to announce our 2021 Stash-Busting Crochet Along.

I’ve enjoyed doing these blanket crochet alongs with you over the past couple of years but they are a lot of work for me as a designer. That is why I’ve invited some of my designer friends to join us this year!

What is a Crochet Along?

Well I’m glad you asked. It’s a group of crocheters all working on the same project over a period of time. Simple as that. It’s a fun way to get to know other crocheters, share your projects, get inspired and learn some new skills.

Part of what makes doing a CAL fun is sharing with other crocheters who are also participating. I invite you to join my crochet group on Facebook, this is a great place to share your progress, ask questions and participate in other fun yarny shenanigans.

The Details

We are making another blanket. In total there will be 20 – 12” squares each designed by a different talented designer.

A new square will be published every 2 weeks on Tuesdays by Noon EST. This works out to be about 2 a month. I’ll include a schedule below. We’re going to start in a couple of weeks and should finish up by the end of October.

I’ll make a post here on The Unraveled Mitten linking to the featured designer’s pattern. The patterns are all hosted on the designer’s websites, not mine. That’s a little bit of a change from previous years.

In my post, I’ll share a finished photo of the square in my CAL colors as well as any tips and tricks for making the square. There will also be a link to the designer’s pattern.

The Yarn and Materials

– 3000 yds #4 Worsted Weight Yarn (this is an estimate)

-5mm crochet hook

Now let’s get to the good stuff! This is a stash-busting CAL so there is no shopping required. Dive into your stash and pick a selection of worsted weight yarn to get started.

I am using a 4 color neutral palette of Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice. This is one of my favorite worsted weight yarns. If you want your squares to be 12 inches I recommend using something similar to that some options are:

You can absolutely use one of the thinner worsted weights (Caron Simply Soft, Red Heart Soft) but your squares will likely end up smaller than 12 inches.

Whatever yarn you use just make sure it all has similar qualities. Using Caron Simply Soft for one square and then Red Heart With Love for the next will make for difficult joining because they won’t be the same size and the textures will be off too.

I’m estimating about 150 yds per square (this could be high) so that would mean you need 3000 yds for just the squares. Extra is needed for joining and the border. I am planning 3500 yds just to be safe. Extra is never a bad thing right!

The colors of Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice I’m using are: Fisherman, Linen, Taupe and Silver Gray.

2021 Stash Busting Sampler Afhgan Crochet Along Yarn Colors

The Patterns

Like I stated before, the patterns will be hosted on the featured designer’s website. If a square comes up that you aren’t a fan of, then feel free to skip it! It’s your blanket after all.

CLICK HERE to see a list of alternate square patterns.

I’ll try to link helpful tutorials or videos in my notes posts but it is up to the designer to decide if she wants to publish a video or photo tutorial for the specific pattern. It is illegal for me to make a video of someone else’s pattern.

The designer is also free to sell the PDF version of her pattern in her online shops for you to purchase.

All about blocking.

I highly suggest that you block your squares. This makes them lay nice and flat. It will give your blanket a polished look. If you don’t know how to block, it’s super easy.

Using rust-proof pins, pin your square out on a mat making sure it’s 12×12. Then hit it with some steam with a garment steamer or steam iron. If you’re using an iron be sure not to touch the iron to the yarn because it will melt. Also don’t over steam it. When your square feels soft and is damp all over it’s done. Let it dry and remove it from your board.

You can find my favorite tools for blocking in my Amazon Shop.

The Schedule:

Today: Announcement and Materials List

Square 1 Garden Revival Square | The Unraveled Mitten

Square 2 Heart of Gold Square | Noor’s Knits

Square 3 Spring is on the Way Square | Underground Crafter

Square 4 Rusted Fence Square | RV Designs

Square 5 Hidden Sanctuary Square | Oombawka Design

Square 6 Dragonfly Square by Leither Co

Square 7 Willamete Valley Square by Grace and Yarn

Square 8 Maia Square by Three Fates Creation

Square 9 Woven Textured Square by Rich Textures Crochet

Square 10 Turquoise Delight by Blue Star Crochet

Square 11 Alpine Peaks by The Purple Poncho

Square 12 Helix Inspired Square by Yarn Craftee

Square 13 Lavender Fields Square by The Loopy Lamb

Square 14 Floral Granny Square by Love Life Yarn

Square 15 Shooting Star Square by The Stitchin’ Mommy

Square 16 Mosaic Triangles Square by Loops and Love Crochet

Square 17 Secret Garden Square by Kirsten Holloway Designs

Square 18 Vanna Blanket Square by Raffamusa Designs

Square 19 Quilt Block Bobble Square by Salty Pearl Crochet

Square 20 Autumn Beauty Square by The Unraveled Mitten

Join and Border

You can bookmark this post so you can find the links to the squares easily.

Here is our finished blanket!

2021 Stash Busting Samper Crochet Along

Sharing is caring!


  1. Are you planning to work the join in taupe? I want to make sure to have enough yarn of the join color. I also bordered all my blocks with a row of single crochet in taupe as you did. I thoroughly enjoy all your crochet alongs. Learning and perfecting different techniques along the way.

  2. Hello, I just stumbled upon your website and am delighted to see your 2021Stash Busting Sampler Afghan CAL.
    I have just signed up for your emails newsletter and would like to be notified of new squares as they are posted.
    What a great way to make a unique afghan! I appreciate that you have shown your personal afghan square in your own colours of yarn. It will be attractive by texture but co-ordinated by colours.
    Thank you for hosting this CAL and for generously sharing the pattern links on your website.

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