365 Crochet Challenge February. This month's we are working on a project just for ourselves.

This month’s crochet theme is ‘Just For You’. The holidays are over, last month we cleared out and organized our yarn and projects and for the month of February, we are focusing on making something for ourselves.

All this year we are making our crochet life more intentional and learning new skills with the 365 Crochet Challenge. You can find out more about the 365 Crochet Challenge here. Each month will feature a new theme with weekly posts and emails to go with it.

Selfish Crochet Projects

Let’s talk about this terminology for a minute. I used to call the things I crocheted for myself selfish crochet… but is it really?

The answer to that is a hard no.

I love to crochet things for my family and others but I also really enjoy making things for myself! A new cozy hat, a couple of new dishcloths to make that chore seem a little less annoying, something pretty to decorate my house with, there are so many options. We have this amazing skill, why should we feel guilty for wanting to use it to make our lives better in some way?

We shouldn’t ever feel guilty about that. So, I no longer call things I’m making for me my selfish crochet, just simply, my next project.

365 Crochet Challenge for February

This month, I challenge you to crochet something for yourself!

There are no rules and you don’t even have to finish it this month. It can be something as simple as new dishcloths or as complex as a crochet sweater. It can be a brand new project or something you’ve already started but set aside.

My Project For the Month

I originally was going to make a pillow for my favorite crochet spot on the couch but ultimately, I’ve decided to make myself a new cowl! It has been a really cold and windy winter thus far and I’ve found my current cowls lacking in wind-blocking warmth when it’s time to do the chicken chores.

I haven’t hashed out the details yet other than I want it to be tall and close-fitting around my neck and face. I am resisting the urge to go out and purchase more yarn for this and will use some Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick and Quick I have on hand. Of course, once I’m done, I’ll post the pattern here on the blog in case you want to make it too.

Coming up

I struggled with knowing what to share in this theme for the rest of the month. I’ve settled on doing some pattern round-ups just in case you need some crochet pattern inspiration.

Sharing is caring!


  1. I’m going to try to finish a knit afghan that I started working on years ago and quit because I wasn’t comfortable with my skills. I also am crocheting a cuffed shawl, something for myself this time.

  2. I’ve been wanting to make a hanging fruit basket to hang under my cabinets. It think this will be my February project. I’m excited already!!! Thank you for motivating us!

  3. can you publish details of the deep pink scarf with the embossed heart design please, its really pretty.

  4. I’ve started crocheting a cardigan for myself. I’ve never made one before except for baby cardigans. I’m hoping to complete it by the end of February so that I’ll still have some cold nights to wear it! I live in San Diego, and it doesn’t stay cold very long!

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