2021 Stash Busting Crochet Along - Block #12 designed by Yarn Craftee | The Unraveled Mitten

This is block #12 of our 2021 Stash Busting Crochet Along. The Helix Inspired Square was designed by Rose over at Yarn Craftee.

Want to join the crochet along fun? CLICK HERE to get all the info!

Crocheting with friends is more fun! Join my crochet group on Facebook and show of your squares, chat with other crocheters and get your crochet questions answered. 

Block 12 of the 2021 Stash Busting Crochet Along on The Unraveled Mitten. Square design by Yarn Craftee

Here is the original square made by Rose. Mine is pictured below.

Block 12 of the 2021 Stash Busting Crochet Along on The Unraveled Mitten. Square design by Yarn Craftee

Pattern Notes

You can see that Rose’s square has more defined tall and short areas mine are less defined because instead of double crochets for the tall areas I accidentally did half double crochets. Whoops.

There was a small typo in the pattern that led me down this path and when I realized my mistake, I was already done with the square. Obviously, it all worked out ok though!

Sizing: I had to square off my octagon 2 rounds earlier than stated in the pattern to stay on track with size. Personal crochet tension and yarn choice all play a part in that. It did make it a little tricky to square off but I’ll outline what I did for you. It was a fun little puzzle. My square ended up pretty flat and did not need blocking.

Here’s what I did:

Besides completely messing up the stitch I did not count the chains as stitches at the beginning of the round (this is just my personal preference). I’ll outline my color changes and the early squaring off below.

I used my 5mm Furls Streamline Swirl Hook (my new favorite!) and Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice yarn.

Rnd 1-2: Fisherman

Rnd 3: Taupe

Rnd 4-5: Fisherman

Rnd 6: Silver Gray

Rnd 7-8: Linen

Rnd 9: Silver gray

Rnd 10-11: Fisherman

Rnd 12: Taupe

Rnd 13-14: Linen

Rnd 15: Silver Gray

I skipped Rnd 16-17

Rnd 18: Because I had less stitches to work with than if I went all the way to rnd 17 I had to change this round a little so it would square off nicely.

I repeated this sequence around my octagon starting in the same stitch as ch 2. (DC, 2SC), (ch 1, skip 3, 3 SC in next)2 times, ch 1, skip 3 (DC, 2SC) in next, Ch 1, skip 3, (2 TC, DTC) in next, Ch 1, skip 3 (2 TTC, QTC), ch 3, skip 1, (QTC, 2TTC) in next, ch 1, skip 3 (DTC, 2TC), ch 1, skip 3.

Please keep in mind that the instructions above only work with the stitch count after rnd 15.

I also omitted the rnd 19 as written due to size and did 2 rnds of single crochet to finish it off .

The Pattern

CLICK HERE to see this week’s pattern on Yarn Craftee

Show off your Squares

I can’t wait to see your lovely squares in the group on Facebook. Don’t forget to tag me @theunraveledmitten and use #2021UnraveledCAL in your posts on Instagram. 

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  1. I guess tension is important for this square, my tension is usually a bit tighter, but good thing your square worked out. The browns are lovely.

  2. Square 12 is just gorgeous!!! I love the hex design. It’s very striking. Can’t wait to work on it!

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